Be certain that you know the torque needed to open or close bottle caps with this reliable testing tool. For routine tests where precise reproducibility, user independency and special test procedures are necessary, an automatic operated torque measuring device is an optimal solution.
The easy way to measure torqueThis torque measurement instrument shows a graphic display of the torque curve for easy assessment and allows for interactively programmable measuring sequences. It is suitable for integration in standard beverage procedures and suitable for use in the lab or on the filling line.
Fully automated torque measurementThis flexibly programmable torque measurement tool is fully automatic and suitable for a variety of measurement categories, including:
• Physical performance test methodIn the food sector or beverage industry, the opening torque of bottles and other containers with twist off closures is an important quality parameter and vital for customer satisfaction. The last thing a consumer wants is to find that they are unable to open their beverage.
It’s also essential that torque is understood when it comes to bottle caps for the pharmaceutical industry, where the ability to open a bottle could be of upmost importance. There’s also the risk that if you don’t know the required torque to close a cap, problems may occur on the production line.
How to use the Steinfurth Torque Measuring System TMS 5010This torque measuring device is very easy to use, with a user independent process that offers repeatable and reliable results perfect for the beverage industry and suitable for many more applications.
The bottle (container) is fitted to the clamp mechanism and automatically opened. The reactive torque is monitored, and its peak value and torque curve displayed and stored afterwards. Measuring the closing torque is also possible, allowing you to also record the amount needed to seal a cap.
Related products for torque measurementIf you need a full suite of torque measuring devices or different specifications are needed, we also have the Steinfurth Torque Measuring System TMS 2000, which offers manual closure torque measuring, and the Steinfurth Torque Tester TS 500. This is a compact, on the go torque measuring system ideal for testing out in the field or when a portable solution is necessary.
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