Steinfurth Bottle Neck Pressure Tester (BNPT)

For bottle pressure measuring

• Marca: Steinfurth

• Aplicações: Teste de Materiais

• Código: 00016406

Benefícios & Vantagens

• Unique System at the market

• Adaptation of different neck Diameters

• Accurate andrepeatable results

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Continuous thinner packaging of non-carbonated beverages requires to stabilize the package by nitrogen injection after filling. If the packages are equipped with sports closures, that can’t be pierced from the top, new instruments are required to assure the ideal inner pressure for most optimal performance of the package. Steinfurth has developed the Bottle Neck Pressure Tester, which is able to pierce and seal these packages below the neck ring. By easy exchange of the clamping Yesws the system can be adopted to different neck diameters.

The original filled beverage is inserted in the clamping. The manometer is started and by screw motion of the digital manometer the neck of the packaging is pierced. The inner pressure of the package can now be read off the display of the Manometer.

• Pressure range: -1 – 10 bar

• Resolution: 0,01 bar

• Accuracy pressure: 0,1%

• FS Power supply: battery

• Appx. Weight: 1.5 kg